Friday, October 11, 2013

Conference Weekend!

Sister Cady is doing well.  We had a good companion talk the other day.  Our companionship wasn't where it needed to be.  She helped me realize that I was being non accepting of her, and it's not like me at all.  I haven't been myself since I got out into the mission field. I've been scared, just not me at all.  I have needed to change things about myself and love everyone, which I do, But I tell you, Satan seriously knows our weaknesses and knows how to get right to us.  It's crazy.  I know I need to improve myself a lot, and through Christ's atonement, I can be the person I want to be out here and the person the Lord wants me to be. We are doing so much better now. It has strengthened my testimony immensely.
Well, we saw Noah this past week and he said that he has been reading the Book of Mormon and we hope to commit him for baptism this next week. We have another investigator, her name is Mary Kirby.  She has a baptist husband and she believes that if God has sent us prophets back then, why wouldn't he do it now? And we are like, "Get baptized already!" So, she's been reading the BOM as well, and we hope to commit her for baptism, too!
We have a baptism this next Sunday, October 13th, after church. Ashley Gilliam. She is such a sweet girl and she has a desire to learn more!
General Conference was seriously one of the best conferences I've ever listened to! Saturday was unreal.  Every single talk was specifically for me, I believe. Talk after talk, there were things that I needed to hear SO much.  I loved Robert D. Hales' talk about putting on the FULL armor of God. Ulisses Soares: Saying it's possible to change, and this was right after me and Sister Cady talked. It really just opened my eyes on how I need to use the atonement. 

I LOVED Elder Edward Dube's talk: Stand close together and lift where we stand, It doesn't matter where we have been, what we have done, but where we are WILLING to go. That hit me so hard. Where we are WILLING to go.  We need to realize what steps we are willing to take to become better. I loved it.
Elder Uchtdorf: Wow. amazing, amazing talk! We as missionaries were like YEAH! GO UCHTDOFT! He was just telling people to come, no matter your circumstance, just come. Seek the pure doctrine of Christ, it will heal your wounded soul. It's the pathway to peace and happiness. Loved it.
Boyd K. Packer talked about repentance and forgiveness, which is what I needed.  

I about died crying with Jefferey R. Holland's talk.  Finally someone comes out and says that it's okay to be depressed! But God is always there and He loves us NO MATTER WHAT. Charity NEVER faileth. Trust in God, don't give in, show compassion one to another. Saturday was AWESOME!

Sunday, Henry B. Eyring started it off with a boom! It was soo good! It was about love and I absolutely loved his talk.  We need to encourage everyone and love everyone regardless of what they do.
Of course I LOVED Thomas S. Monson's talk. Seriously, this was the best General Conference.  You already know that I was bawling my eyes out through out the entire thing.  Sister Cady is now used to my crying, maybe.
It's been a great week.  I miss you and love you so much! Tell the kids I miss and love them so much! 

Love always,
Sister Burr.

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